Friday, November 26, 2010

Your mind will always grow faster than your hands. Stunted hands leave a messy trail of frustrated creation.
Keep going.

Friday, October 1, 2010


Everyone is falling this time of year. What they happen to be falling into changes for everyone. In my case Autumn makes me feel small because the world around me is too beautifully amazing to comprehend. I suppose I fall into a sort of nonchalant insanity that can't be cured, only embraced. This is the story of my embrace..

Thursday, September 23, 2010


I watch people. Strange as that may sound it is one of my favourite pass times.Watching and absorbing people when they least expect it. To me that is the only true way to know or understand someone. Not by small talk or through stories you've heard about them or even by just hanging out with them. It's only by observing them laugh, sneeze, gesture, walk, or truly speak that you can begin to know someone. I especially love watching people talk to strangers and to their family members. There is something about human presentation that fascinates me. We are just too damn weird to ignore. My surveillance video was a compilation of things I've watched and taped over the past few months.

Monday, September 13, 2010

round one.

I suppose my first project may seem simple but to me it's mostly about the idea. Technology is powered by energy. Life is created by energy. Without energy technology couldn't exist , mostly because life wouldn't exist. To me, electronics are for connecting humans to other humans, encouraging new thought and helping to understand connection in general. I made a tree out of keyboard and phone innards. Both keyboards and telephones are tools to connect human thought. Trees and life make this connection possible. The trunk is made of film memories because without memories we have nothing. Our minds create our world whether we choose to control it or not is up to us.